Humbble is a missionary incubator born in France. Seized by the gentle and humble heart of God, we bring together our skills and support initiatives that serve people’s souls.


Having encountered him, we know that Jesus is the key to the true joy that so many humans long for in the midst of the world’s darkness.

When a soul is converted to Love, the entire person undergoes a transformation, which overflows to the people around them and to society.

Thus we believe that evangelization, as a vector of conversion, is the remedy for all our individual and collective crises.


Ever since the hereditary propagation of original sin, gentleness is no longer self-evident. It is a choice and a learning process. At Humbble, we want to cultivate it to protect our friendship, to discern prayerfully, calmly and with accompaniment, and to work long-term.


Humility is the best safeguard against all aberrations and should be the prerequisite for any commitment.

St. John Vianney, the Curé d’Ars, saw it as “the thread that holds together the rosary of all the virtues”.

Throughout history, God has never ceased to love, choose and elevate the humble. We are invited to consider those who are nothing in the eyes of the world as models, and to cherish the inner attitude of spiritual childhood in order to surrender ourselves with confidence to divine will. In this way, Christ can act in us and make us artisans of his Kingdom, beginning here on earth.

Of course, our humility is not perfect, but taking this virtue as our name, compass and safeguard, we will be less likely to pass over it.

“In hell there are all kinds of virtues, but there is no humility. In heaven, there are all kinds of sins, but there is no pride.” (Blessed Mariam of Bethlehem)

If you ask me what is most essential in the religion and discipline of Jesus Christ, I will answer, first, humility; second, humility; and third, humility.

⸺ St. Augustine


the Context
and its Challenges

Whether through direct proclamation, encounters, testimonies, or creative initiatives, we view grassroots evangelization as an essential immersion to love souls and understand the needs of our time.

Observation and training help us gain a comprehensive overview, identify main entry points and resistances toward a path of conversion, and respond accordingly.


Existing Initiatives

Based on our observations and knowledge, we offer resources and ideas to existing initiatives to increase their impact.

We also provide tailored support to Church actors in the areas of evangelization, integral ecology, ethical finance, and agile governance.


Project Leaders

As an incubator, Humbble welcomes and supports missionary project leaders from draft to completion, through networking, skills contribution, and fundraising assistance.



When we identify needs that are inadequately addressed by existing initiatives and project leaders, we may decide to address them by launching our own internal initiatives.

Pour les missionnaires par des missionnaires

Nous sommes sur le terrain au quotidien

La confiance, pas la paperasse

Pas de dossier, pas de KPI, pas de reporting… nous savons déjà que vous visez le meilleur

Mise en réseau

Nous vous mettons en contact avec les personnes qui vous feront gagner du temps


Bénéficiez d’une aide opérationnelle dès la première semaine

Watermark free

Nous ne sommes pas là pour mettre notre logo sur votre initiative, mais pour vous aider à la développer

In the Pipeline

Theme: Training
Type: App
Partner: EDB

Theme: Place for Life, Prayer and Activities
Type: Real Estate

Theme: Networking
Type: Digital

Theme: Audiovisual
Type: TV & Cinema
Partner: Saje

Theme: Audio

Theme: Training
Type: Digital

Theme: Social Connection & Mutual Aid
Type: Local

Under Development

Theme: News
Type: Video
Partner: La Rencontre

Theme: Books and Articles
Type: Digital & Print
Partner: MV Foundation

Theme: Research
Type: Interactive Mapping


Theme: Advice & Documentation
Type: Digital

Support: TProd, 7th Heart Productions

Type: Digital
Support: Primatiale of the Gauls, Filles de Roi

Join Us

You have experienced the fire of conversion and are burning with the desire to make the Lord known to all?

Combining age-old vices with cutting-edge means, Evil spreads across the Earth on an industrial scale. And as faith dwindles, more and more souls perish spiritually from hunger.

Convinced that the Church has all the means to revive souls, we combine our enthusiasm and our skills to announce Christ widely to our contemporaries.

We identify four main profiles at Humbble: workers, pray-ers, patrons, and companions.

Because everyone has been given gifts for the good of all, we welcome all people of good will who adhere to the objectives, the functioning and the values of the incubator.

Let us not waste time; man is like a breath; his days are a shadow that passes away

There are +1 billion Catholics on Earth. If the most motivated unite their talents, nothing is impossible.